Meet Dr. Victoria L. Bacon, CGP
Dr. Victoria Bacon is a licensed psychologist who specializes in group work. She is an internationally certified group psychotherapist who has created, taught, and conducted groups for the past 40 years. She has an extensive background teaching, presenting, and conducting workshops throughout the United States. Professional Credentials
National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology #43405
International Certified Group Psychotherapist (CGP) #029561 Licensed Psychologist, Massachusetts #6597 Health Service Provider Certification, Massachusetts School Guidance Counselor (PreK-12) License, Massachusetts #239458 |
Calling All Pet Lovers!![]() Do you have a pet that means the world to you? Did this precious animal help get you through a difficult time, help relieve a stressful situation, or was always there for you when you needed someone to listen to your day’s events?
We would love to hear about your pet. Dr. Marcia Anderson and I are writing a book on how our pets help us heal and grow as human beings into the person our animals always knew we would become. Share your story with us! Submit one story about one of your pets or submit a dozen stories about your multiple pets. How did they impact your life? All submitted stories, if used in the book, will be listed as anonymous, and your name will be listed in the acknowledgements. If you would like to read a sample story, please email me at the email listed below, and a sample story will be forwarded to you. Submission deadline is August 1, 2024. Submit all stories to: [email protected] Demeter Poots Tory